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Saturday, August 9, 2014

My Thoughts on the Dalton Gang

As someone who visited the Dalton shrine many times as a child, I still have to say that the Dalton Gang remains one of the crummiest outlaw gangs ever. Most of the gang started as lawmen of various types, but were stiffed of their wages and turned bad--how crummy of a lawman must one be to be stiffed?

Once they became a lawless band of robbers, their time was short-lived, and their most famous act was screwing up a robbery so badly that most of a town showed up to shoot them all dead. Of course, it gave us this fine picture that would make a great album cover had they lived long enough to record some music:

In the end, it's worth noting the most famous musician of the area, Joe Walsh, born up the road in Wichita, played with a band called the James Gang, not the Dalton Gang.

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