Important Concepts Visualized and Explained.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Afternoon Sun

Normally I run in the morning, just before sun-up with the stars shining brightly and the really early runners marked by the bobbing lights attached to their heads. Today I neglected to set any sort of alarm clock, and slept until nearly 6:35!!! With the schedule we have, that gives me no contact with the family and puts me to work later than I like if I jam a run in there. That late there are also more goofy folks driving while under the influence of cell phones and the impression that if you drive fast enough and run enough stop signs that time will run backwards and you'll be on time for work... They obviously thought Einstein didn't check his work.

This afternoon, after work, I made my run. Not a long run, but a nicely paced 3 1/4 mile trot (with some walk breaks). It's interesting that it seemed to take longer to get started and comfortable than starting early in the morning (coughing out "water park" may have had some effect as well). I also thought it was colder than I thought and wore the running pants for the first time, which was a miscalculation. My legs felt like lead and then they became very sweaty, and it was with some trepidation that I sat down and removed the long pants in front of my friends at the BVM. With natural cooling enabled, the run improved, but I was still having a hard time with running in the afternoon vs. the morning.

Whether it's the sun or some sort of habitual rhythm I don't know. It was different, and I shouldn't complain as I moved my normal run a little longer and still had a decent pace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not laughed so hard in a very long while. Please tell Katie that she has my sympathy when she had to explain about the nipples issue! Dude that is just too damm funny! Well it sounds like you are well on your way to running circles around of luck and keep up the good work!