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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Six More Minutes Off -- Look Out Roger Bannister!

By following the Jeff Galloway running plan, one of the interesting side effects is that the schedule periodically invites you to run a "Magic Mile" which is a quick mile once you're warmed up.

Since the goal of the plan is "no injuries," especially those that would take you off the running schedule, the Magic Mile also has a similar disclaimer, "no puking." So while there is more exertion than usual, there's hopefully no more wear, tear, and soreness than usual as well. So for me, it seemed fast, but I'm certain that commentators on television would comment that my rate of speed is "glacial."

Nonetheless, coming from runs of nothing to doing six and one-half miles last weekend, there's progress being made, and being able to make thirteen miles in January in Phoenix is starting to look real as opposed to a long daydream with sweaty activities thrown in.

So, I timed a 10:40 on my magic mile, which means that if I keep improving at my current pace, Roger Bannister's four minute mile should be just beyond the horizon...

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