Important Concepts Visualized and Explained.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Halfway Home?

Today I finished 6 1/2 miles. Theoretically this means that I'm halfway to the half marathon. The training schedule says I've got a long way to go however.

I came home today and sat in a bathtub full of cold water (as recommended by a friend) and for the first time since owning the home, used the whirlpool feature of the tub and peacefully read Car and Driver while drinking a cup of coffee. Legs felt better, and there are lots of cars I can't afford out there.

I'm currently at the point where I'm running two minutes and walking one (following the Jeff Galloway plan for beginning runners). Compared to the one-to-one ratio of a few weeks ago, I feel like I might actually be periodically "running" compared to "plodding" or whatever. The stride does not yet look or feel like Jim Ryun, but I now feel the wind blowing by when I speed up.

Six and a half miles isn't thirteen, but it's getting there. So far, so good.